Over the weekend I did this weird dancing video to Jesus Christ Superstar when I was reunited with my weird sister, and I shared it on TFID instagram. As I shared it I thought maybe it was a mistake, because watching it back I noticed I looked so thin. I don’t show my full body […]

April 17, 2018

What’s Going to Happen With My Weight?

Diet companies are thrilled that diets seem like they work. Diet companies are also thrilled that diets, ultimately, almost always fail. And diet companies are thrilled that everyone seems to think that it’s their own personal fault that it failed. Weight loss studies last long enough to take note of the weight that’s lost, they […]

April 3, 2018

The Way Diets Work

I have really exciting news, for me at least… Harper Collins / HarperWave is going to publish The Fuck It Diet book in early 2019. This same week I found my old blogspot blog that I started back in junior year of college. It was called Non-Quick Oatmeal because I believed in slow food. This […]

March 27, 2018

Honoring the Jankiness From Whence I Came