I get quite a few questions like the following, and I want to take the time to answer it on my blog! Q: I was just diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, so my hormones are very imbalanced as well. Also, my insulin receptors on my red blood cells are bad, so I’m in a pre-diabetic state–which […]
We tend to think there are only a few “eating disorders”: Anorexia (“very, very skinny, eats nothing”). and Bulimia: (“throws up food”). And sometimes there are people who have Exercise Bulimia, too, (“but what even is that? Exercise is always GOOD! Right? So that is probably like… a helpful disorder”). Oh, and all those people with “no […]
There is none. THERE IS NO “HEALTHY VERSION OF INTUITIVE EATING”. Don’t do it. It will backfire. Wanna know why? Because what you are really saying is: I am going to try and, like, trust my body. But I, like, can’t ever really trust my body. Obviously, so I’m gonna like fake trust it and, […]