Can you teach a control freak to become more chill? Food and body issues are a manifestation of the underlying fear that everything is falling apart. It’s a way we try to mitigate the panic of being alive. If we don’t control and micromanage this, we’re all screwed. We can’t trust anything to work if we […]

July 9, 2018

Lowering the Stakes

How DOES a normal person eat? This totally depends on your definition of ‘normal.’ Here’s the truth: most people are a little disordered with their eating these days. Obsessive or disordered eating is common, so you could call it normal. But it’s not normal – it shouldn’t be normal. And it’s definitely not healthy. So […]

May 14, 2018

How To Eat Like a Normal Person

Over the weekend I did this weird dancing video to Jesus Christ Superstar when I was reunited with my weird sister, and I shared it on TFID instagram. As I shared it I thought maybe it was a mistake, because watching it back I noticed I looked so thin. I don’t show my full body […]

April 17, 2018

What’s Going to Happen With My Weight?