Click to read the beginning for free

Buy Bundle now for $75

The F*ck It Diet Digital Bundle

the book's companion course

Buy Bundle now for $75

Simply put, it's my old live course, sold in a digital download bundle.

I used to run an 8-week online course that featured The F*ck It Diet book as the text book. The course was a book companion, with lots of extra material + weekly Q&As. And now you can buy this digital bundle, with all the original course material, as the way more affordable, self-study version.

I've broken the book down into an 8-week curriculum, and shared all of the prompts, exercises, and essays I had to cut from the book for length, and added tons of belief work into every week (a super important part!). 

You'll be doing a deeper dive on releasing diet culture beliefs, and get to access 30+ hours worth of Q&A replay calls every week (!!!) 

I've packaged up all the material from that original course into this 8-week digital bundle course. When you purchase, you'll get a folder download with all the content broken into the 8 week structure.

What Is It?

click to read the
first chapter for free

The book is the course's text book


What You'll Need






8 weeks of structure to guide you through unlearning, relearning and reframing programmed beliefs to support your journey (value: $250)

8 weeks worth of bonus content, belief work, and bonus writing prompts to supplement the content from the book (value: $250)

32+ hours of previous Q+A video replays that will answer all of your anti-diet questions week to week (value: $350)

​Go at your own pace + lifetime access to the material

What you get

Buy the Bundle now for $75

I already feel a lot more relaxed around food, and I can't thank Caroline enough for sharing her extensive wealth of knowledge and personal experience. 

The F*ck It Diet is THE BEST BOOK that I have ever read regarding intuitive eating. I love the way that Caroline gets to the heart of the matter and gives practical, easy to use guidance. This course gave me the tools I needed to go deeper emotionally. Very thankful.

I genuinely want to thank you so much for your book, your work, and your guidance. - Heather Larson

This course was SUCH a useful accompaniment to the book. That ideas in the book are so eye-opening, but putting them into practice can feel really scary. I’m so glad I signed up, it’s been life-changing. 

I loved the book, but putting it into practice on my own just never actually happened. I highly recommend the book and this program to any dieter!
