I denounce Trump and everything he stands for. When I became vocal about this on the Fuck It Diet platform last November, it resonated with many, but pissed off lots of people too, and I lost lots of followers. They told me to keep politics out of it. They just wanted to heal their food […]

November 21, 2017

You Can’t Keep Politics Out Of It

We talk emotional eating. We talk cult leaders. We talk why no one knows everything. And we talk about Yoga Sleep: yoga nidra. And rest rest rest. It’s a short one today. But more coming soon!

November 19, 2017

Emotional Eating n’ Stuff

Today lots of listener questions are about health. And then I get so tired that I fall asleep on the podcast. Go to patreon.com/carolinedooner to become a podcast insider!

November 8, 2017

Health, Health, What About My Health