Maintaining a low weight is one of my core values. How am I supposed to be happy if I sacrifice one of my core values? I have heard something like this again and again, and I think… maintaining a low weight is one of your core values? Like treating others the way you’d want to be […]

September 3, 2018

Weight Control as a “Core Value”

How expensive is this whole thing? I am just supposed to let myself eat anything, anytime, anywhere? How can I afford this? Will I spend all my money out at restaurants? Or will I have to make everything at home?! How do I grocery shop now that nothing is off limits? How will I know […]

August 2, 2018

How do I grocery shop now that nothing is off limits?

Can you teach a control freak to become more chill? Food and body issues are a manifestation of the underlying fear that everything is falling apart. It’s a way we try to mitigate the panic of being alive. If we don’t control and micromanage this, we’re all screwed. We can’t trust anything to work if we […]

July 9, 2018

Lowering the Stakes