Today, just for fun, I’m going to outline my own food journey, hopefully so you can see how freaking long it took. You probably shouldn’t compare your journey to my journey. That’s just a general rule of happiness. (Also, I have often hesitated to mention my age for fear that people wouldn’t listen to me. But […]
I remember when I used to try to make sure every food I ate was the lowest calories possible. 60 calorie yogurt. 180 calorie Luna Bars. 80 calorie ezekiel bread. Dry turkey meat. 60 calorie cheese stick. How can I eat as much as possible, while consuming as little calories as possible?? And since I was never really […]
With eating, everyone is always talking about balance. Just be balanced. Just make sure you’re being balanced. Blah Blah Blah. And sure, balance is what the body seeks, because balance is healing. The body is always seeking balance, whether you are aware of it or not. But here is why telling you to “just be balanced with your […]