What we think we know about weight is so so wrong. Did you know that putting on weight easily is actually the sign of an efficient metabolism? And someone who burns weight quickly has an inefficient metabolism? Yea, because in famines? Caput! Goodbye skinny people with your inefficient metabolisms! (Including myself!) Did you know that people […]

November 9, 2015

What We Know About Weight is Wrong!

  After I became weight stable I ate and ate and ate and didn’t gain a pound. I was amazed at the weight regulatory mechanism once I actually healed my metabolism from the diet/binge cycle. Recently, I gained some weight. I can still wear my clothes, but some are snug. And it’s enough that people have […]

November 4, 2015

Why I Gained Weight

WHY is The Fuck It Diet different than other mindful eating or intuitive eating programs? WHY did I try to heal myself with intuitive eating for 6 YEARS, and fail, but then The Fuck It Diet worked? Weight. Meaning, every other time I tried to “heal my eating”, I was still trying to control my […]

October 21, 2015

Why is The Fuck It Diet Different?