Do you know about Isabel Foxen Duke? She is a badass. And I am a huge fan of the work she does with women, food, and their bodies, which is why I am really excited today to share with you guys something awesome she has been working on. I know sometimes it feels impossible. But […]

September 16, 2014

There IS a way to stop fighting food

  Most of us don’t. And by talking about it, I don’t mean: Do you go around saying things like “I am looking for something gluten free on this menu for no reason” or “I am just eating this apple now so I don’t eat other food” or “I can’t eat those tortilla chips because […]

September 4, 2014

Do You Talk About Your Food Obsession?

When people are learning not to diet, normally the first thing they try to learn is “intuitive eating”… which often backfires. “Intuitive eating”, in it’s most essential meaning, is great. Eating intuitively is what we all can and should be doing. Eating should be effortless and stress-free. And it should be nearly thoughtless to figure our […]

August 7, 2014

Why I Don’t Teach Intuitive Eating