I tried to eat intuitively for 6 years.
I thought that my (slightly obsessive) intuitive healed me from my “food addiction”.
But I still spent my entire life thinking about my next meal, rating my hunger level, worried that I was doing it wrong and “eating too much”. And worst of all, my life was still one long weight loss attempt.
Intuitive eating had just become the new diet du jour.
Oh, but it wasn’t a diet, is what I told myself. It was ‘what Europeans did’, or whatever.
I am here to tell you, that kind of intuitive eating, is still a diet. It’s just a diet by a different name.
If you are still very concerned with keeping your weight controlled, or losing weight, you’re on a diet. Even if you “let yourself eat whatever you want”. If your mind constantly worries about gaining weight, you’re on a diet. If you are able to “mess up”, you’re on a diet. If you get stressed when you “eat too much”, you’re on a diet.
How to free yourself from this?
You can join my self-study program, Fuckiteer Academy: The Rebel’s Survival Guide, to get guidance on how to deal with the mental and emotional side of this whole thing. See you on the other side!